If you wish to purchase a membership for someone else this can be done via two methods – setting up the member under your account as the primary account holder or creating a new account.
By setting up the member under your account, this means all communications will be sent to you as the primary account holder. This includes emails, phone communication and the membership pack being sent to your address. The membership card will be available via the Melbourne FC app under your account.
Creating a new account means that the member will receive their own communications and have the membership card on the Melbourne FC app under their own account. If you are purchasing the membership as a gift and would like the member to receive their own communications once it is gifted, we recommend setting up a new account under the individuals name who the membership is intended for. The contact details including email, phone and address can be entered as yours as the purchaser and changed once the membership has been gifted. Please note if you are an existing member, you cannot use the same email address as what is already listed on your account.
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